Using a sauna regularly has been shown to reduce the risk of stroke and hypertension.
Sauna use after exercise helps promote muscle relaxation & eliminate lactic acid.
Research has shown that a deeper, more relaxed sleep can result from sauna use.
The heat from a sauna helps relaxation and regulates the level of cortisol in the blood.
Explore Our Sauna Collection
We have a wide variety of saunas and heaters available allowing us to customize exactly what you’re looking for
Why a Barrel Sauna?
Saunas are becoming more popular here in the U.S. for a host of reasons. Probably the two biggest in our opinion are the somewhat recent findings that regular sauna use may have a host of positive health benefits. The second is the availability of affordable shipped to your door options. Living in our climate, we understand the importance of getting outside in the cold months and we feel a backyard barrel sauna is a great solution for the long winters that we have. One of the best parts of sauna bathing is taking brief cooling breaks out in the cold which is where the outdoor barrel shines over other sauna options.